We have been ministering healing and deliverance for many years, both as individuals and as part of the ministry of Richland Baptist Church in Stafford County (near Fredericksburg), Virginia (www.richlandbaptist.com). We love to see people healed in a variety of ways. The goodness of the Lord constantly amazes us as he sets people free!
We continue as a ministry in partnership with Richland Baptist, but our ministry transcends denominational lines. It truly is a ministry to the entire Body of Christ. For this reason the Lord has led us to establish a unique identity. "The Church Unchained: LukeNine1&2 Ministries" describes our passion to see the Church set free to be the Church Jesus gave His life for, and now intercedes for, at the right hand of God the Father in glory. As Luke 9:1-2 indicates, the ministry of the Church continues the ministry of Jesus Himself. Too many Christians are not experiencing the abundance of life Jesus wants for us. We believe that if we can help individual believers to be whole and well, released from the things which are holding them back, they will be able to help others to be free and the Church will then be unchained to do mighty exploits in the name of the Lord!
While we love to see believers set free to experience the love and power of God in ways they never have before, we fully understand Jesus never intended His Church would serve only herself. It seems to us the following truth is so obvious and self-evident it is not necessary to explicitly state it, but we shall do so anyway for the benefit of those who might otherwise miss it: a healthy Church will be far more effective in fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord, by evangelizing the world and training new disciples to do all the things Jesus did, than an unhealthy Church could ever be!
The goal of this ministry is ultimately the transformation of the entire world by the power of the gospel! We focus on ministering to the Church so that the members of the Church can become more effective in ministering to each other and to those outside the Church. When the Church is healthy, God will be glorified through it and people will come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We are very excited that we are seeing that in a very obvious way through our ministry in India (see testimonies elsewhere on this web site).
That our goal is to make the Church healthy enough to reach the world was written into our application for 501(c)(3) status (Form 1023 with the Internal Revenue Service) as we gave our “Narrative Description of Activities” (which needs to include how your activities further your tax exempt purposes):
[Part of our explanation for why we spend so much time ministering to individual believers:] These ministry sessions further our tax exempt purposes by helping individual Christians to be set free from conditions which hinder their effectiveness as ministers of the gospel and members of the worldwide Church. Releasing individuals to be effective makes the Church at large more effective in ministering the love of Christ as the gospel is shared with a hurting world.
[Part of our explanation for why we place a high priority on training others how to minister healing and deliverance:] Training others to minister effectively in the name of Jesus furthers our tax exempt purposes by helping the Church to be healthy enough to effectively carry on the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to reach the world with the gospel.
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world and only in Him can people be redeemed and healed as they are made whole and reconciled to God so they can experience abundant and eternal life in the Presence of God. If someone is not a follower of Jesus Christ when they come to us, our first priority is to introduce him to Jesus and ask him to surrender to Him as Lord. Jesus is the Savior/Healer! If a person does not accept Jesus first there will be little we can do, particularly in the area of deliverance.
It has been our privilege to minister healing to thousands of people over the years and it would be impossible to share all of those accounts on this web site. There are some testimonies from individuals on this site so you can gain a view of this ministry which comes through the lens of people's experiences.
If we can help you in any way, please contact us. Sometimes just talking over the phone can bring clarity. We will be happy to try to answer any questions you may have. We love to minister to individuals! We are also available to share with other ministries what we have learned over the years.
There is nothing like in-person training and interaction to accelerate discipleship in this area. We know from experience that a weekend training event or workshop can be a life (and ministry) changing way to help people learn to minister healing and deliverance in Jesus' name. Many people also receive healing at these events, and that is always wonderful! It would be our privilege to conduct a seminar, retreat, or conference in your church or for your group. While we most desire to help people understand the need for a comprehensive approach to ministry (because people and their needs are complex and because we find this to be the most effective way to minister) these training events can also be tailored to focus on a particular area of interest for your group (physical healing, inner or deep level healing, dealing with demonic influences, spiritual warfare, etc.). Discipling events like these move ministry in the name and authority of Jesus from the realm of abstract theory to the realm of practical experience and necessity as people witness real-life ministry sessions up close. The pages of the Bible come to life as the continuing ministry of Jesus, through His Church, is demonstrated and people are set free!
As noted above we are a legally incorporated nonprofit religious organization in Virginia and are also recognized as a tax-exempt organization by the I.R.S. under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All gifts are tax-deductible. We consider your gifts to us as a sacred trust and all gifts will be acknowledged with an end-of-year statement. Our Virginia State Corporation Commission ID is 07606403. Our E.I.N. is 46-1967446
We ask you to be patient with us as we continue to expand this web site. Devoting time to ministering to people takes precedence over working on a web site! Still, there is much we have learned by personal experience over the years we want to share because we believe many will be encouraged. The content of the site will continue to grow as new things are posted. We pray these will be of help to people as they learn to walk more closely with our Savior/Healer, Jesus.
Jim Bethany, Founder and President of The Church Unchained: LukeNine1&2 Ministries